Saturday, December 08, 2007

why me?

I'm running a marathon in nine hours. I'm little nervous. I just finished packing my wet wipes into my handy running belt--since it is not a question of whether I'll poop my pants, it just a question of when. I think doing embarassing things is my comfort zone. Pics and painful stories to come.
this pic is from my last running fiasco in Bryce Canyon this summer in July with good brother Grant


Cassie Stewart said...

oh i wish i could be there at the end! Esme is so sick today so i won't be able to get out but I know you will do GREAT! Good Luck!

The Roberts Rollercoaster RIde said...

i hope you made your goal!! you are such a trooper!!

Dona said...

You are my idol! How did it go?

Nicole said...

wow cool! I hope I can run marathons when I am old...uhh...I mean, when I am old-er! just kidding, hope it wet well! Did I just say 'wet' well? I meant I hope you wet well. ha ok then I guess I want to hear some good stories! perhaps you can do some stick figure drawings for the audience as well... :)

Lindsay said...

You are running an entire marathon? What has gotten into you people?

Any chance you'll be in Utah over the holidays?

StrykerLOVE said...

s - what a better idea then wearing multiple layers of underwear which is what someone told me to do when i ran nyc - hooray for you - so so jealous!

Anonymous said...


Claire Stowell of CA